What is AI Detector by CaS ?
AI Detector by CaS is a tool designed to identify text generated by artificial intelligence models such as ChatGPT and GPT-3. Its main function is to analyze text and judge how "robot-like" or unnatural it sounds, rather than explicitly labeling it as AI-generated or human-written. This focus on “bot-like” analysis makes it useful in improving the quality of AI-generated content and helping human writers improve their writing style.
Many AI applications provide free basic features, but some advanced features or services may require a paid subscription or one-time purchase.
AI applications are generally suitable for devices such as smartphones, tablets, and personal computers.
The performance of AI applications is related to the device configuration, network speed, and the optimization level of the application. Some complex AI tasks may have higher requirements.
To ensure the safety of the application, please download only from official channels and avoid downloading applications from unknown sources.
Many AI applications support multiple languages, but the specific languages supported can usually be checked in the application details page or settings.