With the rapid development of AIGC technology, artificial intelligence has gradually replaced many jobs and services in society. Its efficient and convenient features have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. More and more people have begun to accept and learn to use this technological tool to improve work efficiency and learning ability. However, accompanying this trend is concern about the originality and legality of AI-generated content. To address these challenges, AI content detection tools have emerged to help identify AI-generated content and prevent it from being abused in inappropriate scenarios, thereby maintaining social order and market fairness.
Despite this, current AI detection tools cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of detection results. In actual use, these results should be regarded as a reference basis and judged based on personal experience, rather than relying solely on test results to characterize the content. We need to view these tools dialectically and use them rationally to better deal with the new challenges brought by AI technology.
The AI content detection tool is based on artificial intelligence technology and uses natural language processing (NLP), machine learning algorithms (ML), image recognition and other technologies to automatically analyze and identify multi-module content such as text, images, audio and video. to evaluate whether it was generated by AI and provide a percentage probability of the likelihood that the content was generated by AI.
The working principle of AI content detection tools is to apply deep learning and machine learning algorithms. After learning a large amount of existing data, it establishes a model that can identify the characteristics and patterns of different types of content, and uses this model to identify users. Features are extracted and compared on the provided content to determine the probability that it was generated by AI.
Detection of academic papers and journal articles
Student homework inspection
Social media content detection
Website content detection
Novel Plagiarism Detection
Art work infringement detection
Other content detection with strong originality requirements
GPTZero is currently the most accurate and popular AI content detection tool on the market. GPTZero's interface design is simple and easy to operate. It supports single and batch detection of multi-language content. Users only need to paste the content or upload files to obtain the AI detection report in seconds. The report includes information such as AI generation rate and content source, effectively Originality is protected and plagiarism is avoided.
Function overview
AI basic detection : input and upload a single text or batch upload, AI will quickly scan and analyze the text and provide a brief detection report.
AI in-depth analysis : conduct more detailed sentence-by-sentence analysis, and use color highlighting to provide users with a comparative display.
AI Plagiarism Scan : Use AI to determine how much of the entered text is original.
AI writing suggestions : AI will provide suggestions for improvement based on your work.
Multi-language detection : Supports content detection in multiple languages.
Registration method
GPTZero supports Gmail registration, Facebook account registration, Github account registration, Single Sign-On registration, and other email account registration.
Google email registration and Facebook registration are more convenient than ordinary email registration, and are suitable for registration on most foreign websites. If you don’t have your own account yet, you can refer to the following tutorial to get it:
Gmail registration tutorial, easy registration in just a few steps
Facebook registration super detailed graphic tutorial, latest update in 2024!
price description
Support after GPTZero registration and login Free trial , free users can detect 10,000 words per month and generate 5 detection reports per month. If you want to obtain more benefits and quotas, you need to purchase a membership.
Official website address Evaluation address
GPT-2 Output Detector is a free AI content detection tool developed by OpenAI. It has a minimalist interface and simple functions. Just paste the content and you can get quite intuitive detection results in seconds. It can detect text generated by ChatGPT, GPT2 and GPT3.
However, since this tool is still in the development stage, its accuracy may not be accurate enough compared to GPTZero and other mature AI detection tools, and its functions are relatively simple and cannot provide users with detailed detection reports. However, it is still better than free and instant opening. Highly convenient to use .
Function overview
AI detection : Enter text, AI will automatically detect it, and provide detection results in the form of color bar comparison. The greater the number of "Tokens", the more credible the detection results will be, with a minimum of 50.
Registration method
GPT-2 Output Detector does not require registration, just open it and use it.
price description
GPT-2 Output Detector is free to use .
Official website address Evaluation address
Copyleaks is an AI content detection tool that is very suitable for the education industry. It can help users detect multi-language text and code content, and supports detection of content generated by ChatGPT, GPT4, Bard, humans, humans + AI, etc. to determine whether they are generated by AI or constitute plagiarism to ensure the originality of the content. sex and authenticity.
Copyleaks provides a Chrome browser plug-in, which can be downloaded here.
Function overview
AI content detection : Enter text, and AI will produce detection results in seconds, supporting batch scanning and detection.
AI Plagiarism Detector : Uses AI to detect plagiarism and subtle changes in wording and sentence creation, and detects content generated by AI, supporting 100+ languages.
AI code detection : Use AI to detect whether the code is generated by AI or plagiarized, and provide details of copyright licensing.
AI writing assistant : AI provides you with suggestions on grammar, structure, tone, techniques, etc. based on your writing content to improve your writing skills.
Multi-language support : Supports detection of content in 30 languages including Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, French, German, and Russian.
Registration method
Copyleaks supports Gmail registration, Facebook account registration, Single Sign-On registration, and other email account registration.
Google email registration and Facebook registration are more convenient than ordinary email registration, and are suitable for registration on most foreign websites. If you don’t have your own account yet, you can refer to the following tutorial to get it:
Gmail registration tutorial, easy registration in just a few steps
Facebook registration super detailed graphic tutorial, latest update in 2024!
price description
Copyleaks support after registration and login Free trial , new users can receive 5 points for using functions. If you want to obtain more benefits and quotas, you need to purchase a membership.
Official website address Evaluation address
Originality.ai is a professional AI content detection tool for professionals and institutions. It has a detection accuracy of up to 99% and is very suitable for online content producers, marketing agencies, novel authors, educators, etc. who require highly original content. Group use. Originality.ai can not only provide users with high-precision detection, but also provide users with writing suggestions, improve the quality of creation as a whole, and control the originality and readability of works.
Originality.ai provides a Chrome browser plug-in, which can be downloaded here.
Function overview
AI content detection : supports detection of content generated by ChatGPT, GPT-4, Claude, Llama, Gemini and other popular models, and supports pasting input and uploading files and URLs. (GPT-4 has the highest detection accuracy)
AI plagiarism detection : Based on a large amount of real-time data, it detects text content to determine whether it is plagiarized. It not only marks duplicate content but also provides an online plagiarism report containing the URL of the original plagiarized text and other matching quotes and interpretations.
AI fact checker : Check whether an event or information is true and accurate.
AI readability detection : detects the readability of text content, provides the readability score of the content and the level of the reading group, and modifies the text based on suggestions to allow the target group to better understand the content and improve Google ranking scores.
Registration method
Originality.ai supports email account registration.
price description
Originality.ai support Free trial , users can conduct a simple trial directly on the corresponding function page of the website to see the effect, and can use 3 AI content detections, 10 AI plagiarism detections, 3 AI fact checks, and AI readability detection for free.
You can also test Originality.AI's detection capabilities by installing the free Chrome extension to earn 50 points. One point can scan 100 words. Download address: originality.ai/free-ai-content-detector-chrome-extension.
If you want to obtain more benefits and quotas, you need to purchase a membership.
Official website address Evaluation address
Undetectable.ai is a well-known foreign free artificial intelligence detection tool. It has been listed on the recommendation lists of many foreign media and magazines, and was rated as the number one AI content detection tool by Forbes. What's special about Undetectable.ai is that it can simultaneously show users detection results from itself and multiple common AI detection tools on the market, and use its AI modification tools to help users remove AI content and make the text look more artificial. Compose to bypass AI detection and improve text quality and readability. Undetectable.ai supports the detection of content generated by multiple models, such as ChatGPT, GPT4, Claude, Gemini, etc., and supports dozens of languages including Chinese.
Function overview
AI content detector : supports content detection generated by multiple AI models, including but not limited to ChatGPT, GPT4, Claude, and Gemini. It can also display the detection results of multiple external AI detection tools at the same time and supports multiple languages.
AI content rewriter : You can remove AI content with one click, make the content look like it was written by humans, avoid detection by AI detectors, and improve the level and readability of the text according to the writing purpose and reader level. Supports multiple languages. .
Registration method
Undetectable.ai supports Google Mail (Gmail) registration and other email registrations.
Gmail registration is the most convenient and is applicable to most foreign websites. If you don’t have your own Gmail account yet, you can refer to this tutorial to get it: Gmail registration tutorial. Register easily in a few simple steps.
price description
Undetectable.ai After registering and logging in, you can Free trial , new users can receive 250 points and use the AI detection function for free. If you need more benefits and quotas, you can purchase membership or purchase by word count.
Official website address Evaluation address
Writer AI is an artificial intelligence writing assistance tool that includes AI content detection function. It not only provides users with multi-template and personalized writing generation functions, but also can conduct intelligent questions and answers, extract key summaries of multi-module content and provide descriptions. In addition, It can also detect AI-generated content for users free of charge, with an accuracy of 70-80%, suitable for detecting short and medium-sized articles within 5,000 words.
Function overview
AI content detection : Provide text content or URL, AI will detect it in seconds and provide the probability of AI generation.
AI writing : Provide writing requirements or keywords, and AI can easily generate multi-style, multi-purpose high-quality articles.
AI Q&A : Ask questions and needs, and AI will help you automatically organize answers and information, and provide writing suggestions and solutions.
AI summary : Upload text, pictures, audio, and video, and AI will automatically read and provide key summaries or descriptions.
Diversified templates : A variety of templates support different writing needs. Emails, blog posts, marketing ads, job descriptions, press releases, product descriptions, etc. can all be generated with one click using templates.
Registration method
Writer AI supports Google Mail (Gmail) registration and other email registrations.
Gmail registration is the most convenient and is applicable to most foreign websites. If you don’t have your own Gmail account yet, you can refer to this tutorial to get it: Gmail registration tutorial. Register easily in a few simple steps.
price description
Writer AI can be registered and logged in Free trial for 14 days , but the AI detection function is always free to use. If other functions exceed this number of days, you need to purchase a membership to continue using it.
Official website address Evaluation address
ZeroGPT is a free AI content detection tool and writing assistance tool. It has three functions: AI detection, AI text optimization, and AI question and answer. The page is simple and the operation is simple. The advantage of ZeroGPT is that it has a large free quota. AI detection needs that do not require downloading reports are basically unlimited. You can freely view online detection results of web pages with highlighted AI content. There is only a word limit for a single upload, and it has the ability to pass Supported by advanced models trained in multiple languages, detection results are often more accurate.
Function overview
AI detector : supports detection of content generated by GPT-4 and ChatGPT. You can paste text or upload files for detection, and supports batch detection.
AI Q&A : Ask AI questions to get answers, information and suggestions. The accuracy and reliability exceed ChatGPT.
AI summary : Automatically summarize text, adjustable length.
AI paraphrase : AI automatically paraphrases, rephrases, and rewrites text, and can choose different styles of tone.
AI Error Correction : Automatically checks and corrects grammatical and spelling errors.
AI intelligent translation : supports translation into hundreds of languages with high accuracy.
AI word count : Provides detailed text character data statistics report.
AI Citation Generator : Automatically generate citations and support citations.
Registration method
ZeroGPT supports Gmail registration and other email registrations.
Gmail registration is the most convenient and is applicable to most foreign websites. If you don’t have your own Gmail account yet, you can refer to this tutorial to get it: Gmail registration tutorial. Register easily in a few simple steps.
price description
Just register and log in with ZeroGPT Free trial , AI can detect 15,000 characters each time, and can detect 5 files at the same time, and provides a quota of 1,500 words for AI summary, 300 words for AI interpretation, 1,000 words for AI error correction, and 500 words for AI translation. If you need more quota and benefits, you need to purchase a membership.
Official website address Evaluation address
Crossplag is a free and easy-to-use AI detection artifact. Although its functions are simple and relatively simple, the detection results are quite accurate, and the most important thing is that the basic detection does not cost money and has unlimited times . You can directly paste text within 3000 words for detection, or upload long documents for detection. It can detect AI-generated content, plagiarism and quoted content, and provide downloadable detection reports, which is very suitable for media workers and education work. It is used by writers, literary and artistic creators and other groups.
However, Crossplag also has some limitations. For example, it currently supports the detection of English content. Entering content in other languages may cause a certain degree of bias in the detection results.
Function overview
AI content detection : Paste content and get direct and concise detection results in seconds.
File upload detection : You can upload files or URLs for detection.
AI plagiarism checker : supports cross-language content plagiarism checking and marks content that may be quoted or plagiarized.
Registration method
Crossplag supports Gmail registration, LinkedIn account registration, and other email registrations.
Gmail registration is the most convenient and is applicable to most foreign websites. If you don’t have your own Gmail account yet, you can refer to this tutorial to get it: Gmail registration tutorial. Register easily in a few simple steps.
price description
Crossplag support after registration and login Free trial , new users can receive 10-20 points for uploading documents, 100 words costs 1 point, and so on, while the AI detection function can be used for free without limit. If you need to upload more documents, you can purchase a points package
Official website address Evaluation address
In this era of overflowing AI content, AI generative tools are both our opportunities and “problem makers.” If we abuse AI in some inappropriate ways, it may lead to negative results in the end, and the gains outweigh the losses. That is why we need AI detection tools so much that we can let AI detection tools help us eliminate some "cheating" behaviors that should not exist, or Help us improve the quality of our content for better results and revenue.
Most of the 8 AI detection tools recommended in this article can be used for free, and due to the differences in each model, language support, and usage methods, the detection effects are also different. You can combine it with ours according to your own content production method. Evaluation, choose the AI tool that suits you best.
AI courses are suitable for people who are interested in artificial intelligence technology, including but not limited to students, engineers, data scientists, developers, and professionals in AI technology.
The course content ranges from basic to advanced. Beginners can choose basic courses and gradually go into more complex algorithms and applications.
Learning AI requires a certain mathematical foundation (such as linear algebra, probability theory, calculus, etc.), as well as programming knowledge (Python is the most commonly used programming language).
You will learn the core concepts and technologies in the fields of natural language processing, computer vision, data analysis, and master the use of AI tools and frameworks for practical development.
You can work as a data scientist, machine learning engineer, AI researcher, or apply AI technology to innovate in all walks of life.