Legal disputes between Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk and OPENAI and its investor Microsoft may be about to usher in new progress. Recently, OPENAI and Microsoft submitted a motion to dismiss Musk's lawsuit to the California Court of California, saying that Musk's 105 pages of complaints proposed in the lawsuit had no factual basis and was full of unfounded theory.
The cause of this series of disputes can be traced back to March 2024. Musk prosecuted Openai and accused him of violating the contract, engaging in unfair business behavior, and failure to fulfill trust responsibility. Musk said in the lawsuit that the relationship between Openai and Microsoft transformed it into a profit -making company and violated its initial purpose. In response, OpenAI released a series of emails with Musk, showing that Musk tried to control the organization, but parted ways in 2018 after failing to do so.
OpenAI's legal team pointed out in the motion that Musk's lawsuit was a manifestation of "looking for a lawsuit for his own resentment", saying that its content lacks practical evidence and legal basis. Musk then incorporated Microsoft into a lawsuit, accusing Microsoft's improper role in this dispute. However, Microsoft responded in its legal documents that Musk's prosecution lacked specific facts, belonging to no targeted allegations, and stated that he had nothing to do with Openai's founding process and should not be the defendant of the lawsuit.
In addition, Musk's legal team requested a preliminary ban on Openai in December last year, arguing that OpenAI will cause damage to it when transforming into a public interest company. However, the judges of the California Court of California recently said that Musk's irreversible damage was forced, but she also paid attention to the close relationship between Microsoft and Openai, so she decided to allow the case to continue trial.
The judge mentioned: "What Musk said may be true, and we will verify this through trials." It can be seen that although OpenAI and Microsoft want to quickly reject the lawsuit, the case will still enter the court trial stage.