Prompt flow is a set of development tools designed to simplify the end-to-end development process of LLM-based AI applications, from ideation, prototyping, testing, and evaluation to production deployment and monitoring. It makes Prompt engineering easier and enables you to build production-quality LLM applications. Using Prompt flow you will be able to: - Create executable workflows that link together LLM, prompts, Python code and other tools. - Easily debug and iterate your workflows, especially interactions with LLM. - Evaluate your workflows using larger data sets, calculating quality and performance metrics. - Integrate testing and evaluation into your CI/CD system to ensure the quality of your workflow. - Deploy your workflows to the service platform of your choice, or easily integrate into your application code base. - (Optional but highly recommended) Collaborate with your team by using the cloud version of Prompt flow in Azure AI. Welcome to join us and improve Prompt flow by participating in discussions, asking questions, and submitting PRs. This documentation site contains guidance for users of the Prompt flow SDK, CLI, and VSCode extensions.
Demand group:
"End-to-end development process for LLM-based AI applications"
Example of usage scenario:
Create a chatbot using Prompt flow
Build a text generation model using Prompt flow
Develop an automatic summary tool using Prompt flow
Product features:
Create executable workflows that link together LLM, prompts, Python code, and other tools
Easily debug and iterate workflows, especially interactions with LLM
Evaluate workflows using larger data sets, calculating quality and performance metrics
Integrate testing and evaluation into CI/CD systems to ensure workflow quality
Deploy workflows to a service platform of choice or easily integrate into application code bases