What is StackBlitz?
StackBlitz is a web-based IDE tailored for the JavaScript ecosystem. It uses WebContainers, powered by WebAssembly, to provide instant Node.js environments directly in your browser. This offers fast and secure coding experiences.
StarLens is a tool that uses AI to analyze your GitHub starred repositories. It helps you understand your programming preferences and interests by providing personalized insights into your coding style and taste.
Who Can Benefit from StarLens?
StarLens is ideal for programmers, developers, and anyone interested in exploring their GitHub starred repositories. It's perfect for those who want to gain insight into their programming preferences, discover new projects, or find inspiration.
Example Scenarios
Developers can use StarLens to identify their interest in specific front-end frameworks.
Technical teams can use it to recognize the strengths and common interests among team members.
Educators can utilize StarLens as a teaching tool to help students understand various applications in different programming areas.
Key Features
Analyzes GitHub starred repositories using AI.
Provides personalized analysis of your coding style and preferences.
Generates insights through n8n workflows and AI models.
Supports multiple language models and voices.
Allows cloning, forking, or modifying projects as templates.
Offers shareable result pages.
How to Use StarLens
1. Visit the StarLens website.
2. Enter your GitHub username.
3. Click the button to analyze your GitHub profile with AI.
4. Wait while the AI analyzes your starred repositories.
5. Review the analysis results to learn about your coding style.
6. Share your analysis results or explore related technologies as needed.