vx.dev is an open source v0.dev replacement. It has the following advantages: - Low cost: through prompt engineering technology, the cost of use can be greatly reduced - Easy to customize: open source prompts are provided, and UI components or code styles can be customized according to needs - GitHub seamless integration: the generated code is stored on GitHub ,The working principle of vx.dev with built-in version control, code review and other functions is to use the GPT-4 model to generate code based on pre-defined prompts. The main cost is the number of tokens entered and completed. Prompts are stored in prompts/ui-gen.md and contain instructions for shadcn/ui, lucide and nivo charts. By removing unnecessary component directives, the API cost per build can be reduced. vx.dev can be easily customized. Users can modify based on existing prompts, use other UI libraries or adjust coding style. The generated code is stored on GitHub and has features such as version control and collaboration. Private repositories ensure visibility of generated results.
Demand group:
["-Generate web page/mini program UI code","-Optimize code iteratively through code review","-Build page prototype","-Quickly implement interface design"]
Example of usage scenario:
1. By modifying the prompts in prompts/ui-gen.md, use Tailwind CSS as the style library to generate code 2. Generate the code for internal pages in a private warehouse to ensure information security 3. Implement an online code based on the prompts of vx.dev Generate widgets and embed them into your own website
Product features:
- Low cost: reduce usage costs through prompt engineering
- Easy to customize: open source tips, customizable UI and code style
- GitHub integration: with features such as version control and collaboration
AI tools are software or platforms that use artificial intelligence to automate tasks.
AI tools are widely used in many industries, including but not limited to healthcare, finance, education, retail, manufacturing, logistics, entertainment, and technology development.?
Some AI tools require certain programming skills, especially those used for machine learning, deep learning, and developing custom solutions.
Many AI tools support integration with third-party software, especially in enterprise applications.
Many AI tools support multiple languages, especially those for international markets.