Cursor AI Editor provides a variety of shortcut keys to improve coding efficiency. In this guide, we will explore the most useful Cursor AI shortcuts and how to make the most of them.
AI function shortcut keys:
Ctrl/⌘ + K : Open the AI command panel and ask questions or request specific tasks to the AI in natural language.
Ctrl/⌘ + L : Use this shortcut key after selecting the code. The AI will explain the function of the code in detail; at the same time, you can also call up the chat tab to interact with the AI.
Ctrl/⌘ + I : Opens the Composer window for batch manipulation of multiple files to quickly organize and manage project structures.
General shortcut keys:
Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + P : Open the command panel.
Ctrl/⌘ + , : Open settings.
Ctrl/⌘ + B : Toggle the display and hide of the sidebar.
`Ctrl/⌘ + `` : Toggle the display and hide of the terminal.
Ctrl/⌘ + N : Create a new file.
Ctrl/⌘ + S : Save the current file.
Code navigation shortcut keys:
Ctrl/⌘ + P : Quickly open the file.
Ctrl/⌘ + B : Jump to definition.
Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + O : File symbol navigation.
F12 : Go to Definition.
Alt + ←/→ : Jump between editing positions.
Multi-cursor editing shortcut keys:
Ctrl/⌘ + D : Select the next same text.
Alt + Click : Add multiple cursors manually.
Alt + Ctrl/⌘ + ↑/↓ : Add a cursor above/bottom.
Note that these shortcuts can be customized in Cursor's settings to better adapt to your workflow.
For a complete list of shortcut keys and feature descriptions, please refer to Cursor's official documentation .